PERINATAL 2016-2017
Best Manuscript-Pain Management in the Opioid-Dependent Pregnant Woman
Rebecca R. Safley, MSN, CNM, WHNP-BC
Jamie Swietlikowski, MSN, CNM
Baltimore, Maryland
Best Reviewer: Rebecca L. Cypher, MSN, PNNP
Independent Consultant and Perinatal Nurse Practitioner
Tacoma, Washington
NEONATAL 2016-2017
Best Manuscript-Educational Changes to Support Advanced Practice Nursing Education
Judy L. LeFlore, PhD, RN, NNP-BC, CPNP-AC and PC, ANEF, FAAN
Patricia E. Thomas, PhD, NNP-BC, CNE
Best Reviewer: M. Kathleen Philbin, PhD, RN
Independent Researcher
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania