
blood transfusion, catheter, evidence-based practice, hemolysis, hyperkalemia



  1. Stupnyckyj, Catherine RN
  2. Smolarek, Sheryl BSN, RN, OCN
  3. Reeves, Colleen BSN, RN, OCN
  4. McKeith, Judith BSN, RN, CMSRN
  5. Magnan, Morris PhD, RN


OVERVIEW: It is often an accepted practice that a 20-gauge-or-larger catheter is used for the safe transfusion of blood in adult patients, but it is unclear what evidence supports this practice. This article tells the story of how a small team of oncology nurses designed and implemented an evidence-based practice project to challenge that convention. A literature search and a consultation with the standards of the American Association of Blood Banks and the Infusion Nurses Society determined that a smaller-than-20-gauge catheter can be used safely to transfuse blood in adults, a discovery that led to a change in policy and practice at the authors' institution.