
children, disabilities, early childhood intervention, early intervention, early support, family policy, special educational needs



  1. Carpenter, Barry PhD, OBE
  2. Campbell, Lesley MPhil


The UK context for early childhood intervention has changed substantially over the past 5 years. There is a new awareness of the vital role of these services in improving the life chances of a wide range of vulnerable children, including children with disabilities. Within the changing landscape of services for young children, there is a growing recognition that needs of young children with disabilities and their families should be taken into account in all national strategies and local initiatives. There is a need for early childhood intervention services to respond positively to these changes. Major universal UK government programs, such as Sure Start and the Early Support Program, provide a positive base for developing local, family-focused early childhood intervention services. In this article, we discuss new national strategies in the United Kingdom that emphasize the crucial role of early childhood intervention.