Article Content

Author Guide. Detailed instructions can be obtained from the Editor, Judith A. Gilbride (e-mail: [email protected]). The Author Guide is also available at the journal website (


Typing/Format. Type each manuscript double-spaced (including quotations, tables, and references) on regular typing paper. Leave 1-inch margins on all sides. Number all pages consecutively in the right corner. Order pages as follows: text, references, tables, illustrations. On the cover page, state the title of the manuscript and your name, degree, and complete affiliation. Clear, concise, descriptive titles will help readers find your article in the literature by using periodical indexes. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins requires manuscripts on disk. Request a detailed author guide. Submit a completed article submission form and a signed copyright release (obtain from the Editor).


Manuscript Review Process. Representatives of the Editorial Board and other professionals in the field conduct a blind review of manuscripts submitted for publication in TICN, that is, all identifying names and affiliations are removed from the manuscript. The Editor, board members, and reviewers assess manuscripts on the basis of the following criteria: (a) The topic is consistent with the purpose of TICN. (b) The subject of the manuscript is developed sufficiently. (c) The manuscript is documented adequately from the literature. (d) Organization is logical and clear. (e) Ideas are communicated clearly, simply, and powerfully. (f) Content is accurate and up to date.


Illustrations. Send sharp, glossy, black-and-white photographic prints or professionally drawn figures with a piece of cardboard to prevent bending and cracking. High-resolution, camera-ready images may be submitted electronically as either a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) or an encapsulated PostScript (EPS) file in Adobe Illustrator(R), Adobe Photoshop(R), or QuarkXPress(R). Please save files in both the application in which they were created (i.e., Adobe Illustrator(R)) and as either EPS or TIFF files. Use computer-generated lettering. Do not use screens, color, shading, or fine line. We cannot accept art that has been photocopied, is embedded in a Word document (has a doc extension), was downloaded from the internet, is supplied in JPEG or GIFF formats, or was created in Pagemaker or Powerpoint. A laser proof must accompany art that is being submitted electronically. Use illustrations and tables only if they enhance the text substantially. The author is responsible for obtaining permissions and camera-ready art for illustrations, quotes, and reprinted tables from a previously published work. Request the Author Guide from the Editor for information on how to seek permissions and credit them. Figures and tables must be numbered and must include titles. Place each illustration on a separate page after the reference list.


Permissions. Consult TICN's Author Guide (available from the Editor) for how and when to get permission to use previously published material in a manuscript.


References. TICN uses the AMA Manual of Style, 10th edition, for referencing journal articles, books, and other sources. The Author Guide tells how, when, and where to reference materials.


Letters to the Editor, Upcoming Events. Submit letters and information on upcoming continuing education events to the Editor no later than 4 months before the mail date of the issue.


Suggestions. TICN is a practice-oriented journal. Articles should address the needs of clinical practitioners who provide nutrition care to patients: the interpretation of research data as they apply to the delivery of nutrition services; the introduction of innovative and successful methodology; comprehensive background information about a specific disease or treatment strategy; useful management tools; or proven marketing ideas. Articles should be written in a concise, straightforward manner.