
  1. Lanning, Rhonda K. DNP, CNM, IBCLC, RN
  2. Crawford, Catherine PhD, MSN-Ed/CNL, RNC-OB
  3. Baker, Maureen PhD, RN

Article Content

Therapeutic communication is a fundamental aspect of professional nursing. In prelicensure curricula, it is often difficult for faculty to assess and challenging to provide constructive student feedback. Yoodli, a free artificial intelligence (AI) application, was recently introduced as part of an existing interview assignment in a required prelicensure course. The Yoodli app, which is an AI speech coach, is used to create an audio recording of an interview, provide transcripts, and share time-stamped feedback about aspects of communication including use of filler words and inclusive language, rephrasing suggestions, and pacing. In this assignment, students interview a friend, family member, or colleague about a health care experience. Interviewees provide permission for both the audio recording and participation in this class activity. All identifying information is removed before the assignment is shared. Students are provided with clear guidelines, interview tips, and documents that refresh their memories on the important aspects of therapeutic communication. As part of this assignment, students provide a unique link to their Yoodli audio recording, which also includes a transcript and AI-generated feedback (including analytics) on their communication. Students create a written assignment in which they describe the person being interviewed as well as their relationship to them, several highlights of the interview (from the transcript), and a robust reflection with prompts on the interview experience, lessons learned regarding their therapeutic communication style, and thoughts about the AI-generated feedback.