
  1. Gapp, DeAnna PhD, RN

Article Content

The use of open artificial intelligence (AI) among college students is being researched by many educators. However, few articles exist on the educator's use of AI. Educators may use free AI assistants to support student learning. In an online discussion forum of 6000 nurse educators, only 2 responded to the question: "How do you use AI assistants for teaching?" Both used ChatGPT to help generate content. One specifically used ChatGPT to write NCLEX-style questions and then had students critique the questions in class. In addition to the well-known ChatGPT, there are other AI assistants for educators. TWEE generates questions from a YouTube video. Educators copy/paste their favorite YouTube video link into the TWEE question generator. In 15 seconds, TWEE creates 10 multiple-choice questions with the answer key. These questions can be easily transferred into a Kahoot or learning management system to engage students with their learning comprehension after watching the YouTube video. Similarly, Questionwell creates questions but uses academic articles. Questionwell produces questions to determine whether the students actually read the posted article. If the class has many mandatory articles assigned, this AI assistant will save the educator time, creating knowledge and comprehension questions. In conclusion, ChatGPT, TWEE, and Questionwell can assist educators to generate content that can be useful for teaching. Educators should be vigilant to balance bias, ensure accuracy, and not engage in plagiarism while ensuring privacy during use of these AI assistants.