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Influence of 'media literacy' on Americans' intention to vaccinate. People who are able to recognize reliable media sources were more inclined early in the COVID-19 pandemic to accept immunization when vaccines became available, according to a study published online in the American Journal of Health Promotion. Analyzing survey data from mid-2020 (six months before any vaccine against COVID-19 was available), the researchers concluded that "media literacy" and confidence in advice from health care experts and government agencies had more influence on survey respondents' intentions to get vaccinated than their personal COVID-19 knowledge. They also found that those with higher income had a greater intention to get vaccinated. At the same time, the study found that people who had previously declined flu shots were less inclined to accept COVID-19 vaccination. The results highlight the influence of individuals' previous health choices as well as the importance of helping people discern "credible sources of accurate health information," the authors conclude.