
  1. Brakel, Michael student nurse

Article Content

My name in Michael Brakel. I am a senior nursing student at Hawaii Pacific University and currently the Secretary/Treasurer for the National Student Nurses' Association (NSNA). I have read Dr. McRae's research article on Men in Obstetrical Nursing in (MCN, 28 [3], May/June 2003) and absolutely loved it. As I learned in the military, the article is "on point" with my feelings as a man in nursing school who is currently doing an OB rotation. I am currently doing a research assignment for my OB class on Dr. McRae's article. I also am planning to use the article for a story about men in nursing in the NSNA National magazine, Imprint. Thank you for publishing this research. I intend to talk to Dr. McRae further about the article, and obtain her support for my article.