
  1. Gould, Kathleen Ahern PhD, RN

Article Content


Dang D, Rohde J, Suflita J. Johns Hopkins Nursing Professional Practice Model: Strategies to Advance Nursing Excellence. Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International; 2017.


This extraordinary book is a contemporary tool for nurse leaders as they build teams that foster collaboration and support innovation. Using creative exemplars and competencies, the text inspires, guides, and empowers staff to begin new projects and work to influence change and improve patient outcomes. A forward by Jeannette Ives Erickson, chief nursing officer of Massachusetts General Hospital, acknowledges that the book effectively communicates Hopkins' exceptional framework for creating, implementing, evaluating, and perhaps more importantly [horizontal ellipsis] sustaining a strong professional practice environment.

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Deborah Dang, Judith Rohde, and Jeannette Suflita have created a work that exemplifies the elegant practice model at Johns Hopkins: We achieve, we care, we empower, we excel, we influence.


Each section guides nurses through transitions and challenges that address each concept of the model.


Section I, We Achieve, introduces a reflective approach to self-assessment and organizational commitments and goals as it identifies the dynamic process of an integrated professional practice model.


Section II, We Care, addresses the patient- and family-centered focus of the model and discusses how this transcends every aspect of care throughout the organization.


Section III, We Empower, introduces the shared governance model and specific roles of a staff in developing innovations and organizational change.


Section IV, We Excel, talks about meaningful recognition. Nurses are encouraged to grow personally and professionally, expanding their scope of practice through mentorship programs and advancement.


Section V, We Influence, describes the spirit of inquiry that surrounds the process of professional development. It details nurses' work within interdisciplinary teams in quality improvement, evidence-based practice, and research to bring collaborative practice to new levels and enhance organizational goals.


The authors share their experiences and successes through a series of activities, and include self-assessment tools that are essential to build collaborative practice teams and develop leadership skills at every level.


The book serves as a manual, generously providing tools and advice for professionals committed to developing and sustaining an environment where professional nursing practices succeed by empowering authentic leadership and inspiring multidisciplinary work.


How to Review a Research Paper

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Patricia G. Morton, PhD, RN


Dean University of Utah


College of Nursing


In this short 7.17-minute video, Dr Patricia Morton carefully describes the process of reviewing a research paper. In a clear and logical sequence, Dr Morton brings the viewer through each step of a research article review, as she breaks down the sequence of assessing each section, beginning with the introduction, and moving through to discussion and conclusions.


Using interactive video methods, Dr Morton infuses her expertise and advice with an emphasis on the methodology and data collection. The sections flow smoothly as Dr Morton clearly explains the expectations for explaining the reliability and validity of instruments and criteria for describing data analysis procedures. She carefully reviews specific points such as assuring that assumptions for statistical testing have been satisfied.


Dr Morton concludes by discussing how the author must clearly articulate the true results and meaning of the research in the discussion section and make thoughtful recommendations for future study within the conclusion section.


This video is a short but detailed review and would be useful for new author, peer reviewer, staff involved in evidence-based review, and all health care students learning how to read and review original research. Her advice is a generous gift to this process.