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In 1961, Cleveland Clinic's R. B. Turnbull, Jr., MD, School of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence (WOC) Nursing Education, was established by Dr Turnbull and Norma Gill. Since that time the specialty has experienced enormous growth and change. Over the past 50-plus years many of our early pioneers have been lost taking with them their stories and our history. To preserve this remarkable body of knowledge and share the history and evolution of our specialty, Cleveland Clinic has established a WOC Nursing Hall of Fame award. The initial award ceremony occurred on April 12, 2013, with Norma Gill-Thompson and Debra Broadwell-Jackson being the first 2 inductees.


Norma Gill's (1920-1998) work led to what is now known as WOC nursing. After life-saving surgery, Norma developed a desire to give back to others facing similar circumstances. While many individuals in those early years shared a wish for improved ostomy management, Norma's vision and tenacity were uniquely her own. Few nursing specialties have the kind of personal connection to patients that WOC nurses experience. This can be directly traced back to Norma Gill-Thompson, the first enterostomal therapist. Accepting the inaugural award on behalf of Norma was her daughter, Sally Gill Thompson.


Debra Broadwell-Jackson, PhD, received her BSN in 1971 and completed the Enterostomal Therapy program through Emory University School of Medicine in 1974. The next year she became the program director for Emory University's Enterostomal Therapy Education Program and retained that position until 1984. In 1982, the textbook Principles of Ostomy Care was coauthored by Debra Broadwell and Bettie Jackson. This book became a comprehensive guide for those providing care for ostomy patients. Debra Broadwell-Jackson served as president of the IAET, now the WOCN, from 1981 to 1985. Her leadership, research, and writings laid the ground work for WOC nursing development into a nationally recognized specialty.


This hall of fame will be available for viewing from the Web site:




1. Broadwell DC, Jackson BS. Principles of Ostomy Care. St Louis, MO: CV Mosby Company; 1982.