
  1. Hartman, Terryl J. PhD, MPH, RD
  2. Zhang, Zhiying PhD
  3. Albert, Paul S. PhD
  4. Bagshaw, Deborah BS
  5. Mentor-Marcel, Roycelynn PhD, MPH
  6. Mitchell, Diane C. MS, RD
  7. Colburn, Nancy H. PhD
  8. Kris-Etherton, Penny M. PhD, RD
  9. Lanza, Elaine PhD


The Legume Inflammation Feeding Experiment was a randomized crossover feeding trial of a legume-enriched (250 g/d) diet among men (n = 64) characterized for colorectal adenoma and insulin resistance status. A subset of participants (n = 44) completed a third, optional 4-week period, which encouraged weight loss. Participants significantly decreased energy intake (-770.3 kcal/d) and energy density (-0.45). We observed a 4.4% decrease in weight (-4.0 + 0.4 kg), accompanied by reductions in fasting plasma glucose (-5.7%), insulin (-15.8%), serum C-peptide (-17.4%), C-reactive protein (-32.7%), soluble tumor necrosis factor [alpha] receptor I (-42%), total (-13.3%), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-15.6 %). A legume-enriched low energy density diet may promote weight loss.