
  1. Sinclair, Lorraine G.


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to understand the experiences of young adults living with a permanent ileostomy. The theoretical foundation for the study was narrative knowing.


PARTICIPANTS: Seven young adults with a permanent ostomy for less than 4 years participated. Respondents included 3 men and 4 women between 24 and 40 years of age.


METHOD: Using narrative inquiry as the method, data collection involved face-to-face interviews lasting from 1 hour to 21/2 hours. Interviews were audiotaped and transcribed. The transcriptions provided data to construct each participant's story.


RESULTS: Common and divergent themes were identified across the stories and considered within the biophysical, psychological, and social components of participants' stories. Common themes were associated with disease processes, hospitalization, and social and personal adjustments for living with a permanent ileostomy.


SUMMARY: The participants' stories provided a glimpse into their lives and the strength and courage they needed to adjust to living with an ileostomy. Healthcare providers seemed to underestimate these difficulties.