
  1. Spear, Hila J. PhD, RN, IBCLC

Article Content

As a former labor and delivery nurse and lactation consultant, I was struck by Diana Mason's February editorial, "Bad Birthing." Although some poor practices persist, important changes have been made. In conducting my own research, I was encouraged to learn that in a sample of 154 southeastern hospitals, breastfeeding was actively supported for mothers regardless of mode of birth.1 Of the nurses I surveyed, 16.9% helped mothers who delivered by cesarean to begin breastfeeding in the operating room, and 78.6% of the hospitals allowed breastfeeding in the recovery room. This is great news considering the rising cesarean rate, but practices that separate mothers and babies and delay breastfeeding persist. Mothers and infants should not be separated, unless it is medically indicated. It makes good sense for everyone involved.


Hila J. Spear, PhD, RN, IBCLC


Lynchburg, VA




1. Spear HJ. Policies and practices for maternal support options during childbirth and breastfeeding initiation after cesarean in southeastern hospitals. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs 2006;35(5):634-43. [Context Link]