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Want to find out what working at a certain hospital is really like? Or simply curious about whether other nurses are experiencing the same frustrations you are? Consider checking out nursing blogs (short for Web logs) for a real-world tour of nursing. Typically written in the style of a journal or diary, blogs let a writer share her thoughts and experiences with a wide audience. Here are a few that might interest you:


*, titled "Tales of a Nurse," is managed by "Geena," a critical care nurse in California. In existence for 3 years, the site lets you and other nurses share experiences and post comments.


* is "a nursing blog dedicated to working, living, and getting through it all." It has an extensive list of links to other nursing blogs.


* includes a blog from the director of the Michigan Center for Nursing (click on Carol Stacy's BLOG in the "Inform me" section) and invites your comments.



A note of warning about blogs: Don't assume that everything you read is true-or that anything you write is private. People have been fired for posting inappropriate material about co-workers and bosses. Protect the privacy of yourself, your facility, your colleagues, and your patients when blogging.


Source: Trends in nursing: Nurse blogs provide window into the profession,, C Orlovsky, March 2006.