
  1. Peacock, Amanda Belle


ABSTRACT: Prone positioning has historically been utilized in the acute respiratory distress syndrome patient population as a pulmonary recruitment maneuver to improve oxygenation, minimize iatrogenic lung injury, enhance mobilization of pulmonary secretions, and improve ventilation to previously atelectatic lung regions when maximum ventilator support has failed. Pulmonary complications occur in many different patient populations, however, despite traditional pulmonary toileting techniques and recruitment maneuvers. There is a lack of inquiry and supportive evidence in utilizing the prone position in other patient populations to reduce pulmonary complications. The case study of M.J. presents a patient diagnosed with transverse myelitis left in a quadriplegic state. M.J. developed pulmonary complications throughout his hospitalization despite traditional pulmonary toileting techniques and recruitment maneuvers. Prone positioning was later employed as a recruitment maneuver for M.J. because traditional therapies were not adequate to maintain optimal pulmonary function. This case study demonstrates that prone positioning may be useful in improving pulmonary function and minimizing complications during the acute phase of neuromuscular dysfunction.