How do you greet a patient?
With a hello? A smile? An introduction?
Do you share your role? The plan for the day?
Do you make eye contact?
How do you address him or her? Mr., Mrs., or Ms.? By first name?
Then what do you do?
Do you wash your hands?
Do you write or type while talking?
Do you use therapeutic touch?
Those communication skills you learned in nursing school?
How do you include the family?
Do you share information?
Did you ask the patient if it's okay to do so?
Do you consider everyone's feelings?
Do you welcome visitors?
How about your assessment?
Do you go head-to-toe?
What questions do you ask?
Do you teach as you go?
How and when do you document?
Electronic health record? Paper chart?
Do you use a checklist?
As you go? Or toward the end of your shift?
How about medications?
Do you know the indications and recommended dosing?
How about interactions and adverse reactions?
Do you ask a colleague to check calculations?
How do you handle other interventions and procedures?
Do you provide privacy?
Do you explain what you are doing?
Do you ask if the patient has questions?
Are you able to answer?
Time to go home?
Did you get a break?
Did you eat? Use the restroom?
Are you ready to leave?
How do you say good-bye?
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